In the palm Supralingga Temple Bali Legian proposed state Dwipa and Seleparang still silent, as if still floating in the vast ocean tenga.At that time in Bali there are four new Dwipa Mount, namely:
Mount Lempuyang in Section EAST
Andakasa mountain in the Southern
Karu mountain in the Western
Mount Beratan (Mangu) in Northern
So the state of Bali Dwipa then still unstable and wobbly. This situation became known to the beristana Paspati Hyang / berParahyangan on Mount Semeru [2]. Bali in order to be stable (Tegteg) Hyang Pasupati then instructed Nala Benawang Trance, Trance Dragon Anantaboga, Trance and Trance Naga Naga Besukih Tatsaka move most of the summit of Mount Semeru to Bali. Trance Benawang Nala basis summit of Mount Semeru will be moved to Bali. Trance and Trance Naga Naga Anantaboga Besukih a leash. While Dragon Trance Tatsaka disampig be binding peak of Mount Semeru will be moved to Bali, while also flying from Java to Bali Dwipa Wetan. Then after arriving in Bali, the peak of Mount Semeru that was delivered with the right hand became Mt Udaya Purwata / Tohlangkir / Mount Agung.yang taken with his left hand became Mt Cala Linga or later called Mount Batur [3].Both mountains came to be known as the Linga Dwi Giri, who became Parahyangan Purusa Peredana [4]. Besides commanding Benawang nala Trance, Trance Aantaboga Naga, Naga Besukih Trance and Trance Dragon Tatsaka; Hyang Pasupati also sent his sons to Bali Dwipa, namely:I. Dwi Linga Giri Purusa Predana:a. Goda Pura Besakih (Purusa)b. Ulun Danu Batur temple heaven (Segara Danu as Predana)II. Tri Linga Giri:a. Lempuyang Pura Luhur (Brahma)b. Pura Besakih (Shiva)c. Ulun Danu Batur (Vishnu)III. Linga Sapta Giria. Hyang Geni Jaya Ring Mount Lempuyang, paraHyangNya [5] in the Pura Luhur Lempuyangb. Putra Jaya ring Hyang Mount Udaya Parwata / Mount Tohlangkir / Mount Agung, Pura Besakih paraHyangNyac. Hyang Dewi Danu ring Cala Linga Mountain / Mt Batur [6]d. Hyang Tumuwuh ring Mount Batukara, paraHyanganNya at Temple Watukaru.e. Hyang Monument Mountain Andakasa ring, paraHyangNya at Temple Andakasaf. Hyang Manuk Gumuwang mountain ring Beratan / Mangu Peak / Peak Tinggahan, paraHyangNya in Ulun Danu Beratan / Pura Tinggahan.g. Manik Hyang Gayang / Galang ring Pejeng, parahyangNya at Pura Manik Funnel.Sons Hyang Pasupati is then a Amongan, Sungsungan and Penyiwian, Queen Muang Burghers in Bali Dwipa. One Son Hyang Pasupati Hyang Dewi Danu is the language of the Puranas is Dewi Sri, the Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Pratiwi, and Dewi Basundari all of which are Abiseka Dasa name (has another name) Goddess of Fertility, Goddess of Prosperity and Luck Kewi Sakti of Lord Vishnu [7 ]
Together Stakeholders Ulun Danu Batur
3.1. Chronology of Establishment Batur CalderaMount Bumbulan (bubulan, Dungulan, writing), Mount Payang, and Mount Abang became one with the height of Mount Batur Ancient reaching 3500 meters above sea level. Collapse caldera that forms part of the cone, approximately 29,300 BC, where Mount Abang stand alone with an altitude of approximately 2152 meters above sea level. Collapsed a second time, approximately 20,150 BC, where the cone of Mount Payang, cone of Mount Bumbulan / Writing form undagan Kintamani.Eventually emerging Small Mountain (Mount Batur Ancient child) in the middle of the lake Batur berpucak Two (Kanginan peaks and peaks Flock). Therefore Pekraman Batur village there are two Jero, Jero Gede Kanginan the (occupied by Jero Gede Duhuran Kanginan Puri), and Jero Gede Flock (held by Jero Gede Alitan Castle herd).Name Before Mount Batur Named1. Mount Cala Linga (Cala = not moving and not made by man; Linga = The immortal Gods)2. Mount Sinarata (Mostly sun)3. Mount TampurHyang / Mileage Hyang (Ida Signs Betara within an digonggong (borne) by pamucangan)4. Mount Bees (low)5. Mount Ederan (surrounded Hill)6. Mount smudgy (meingkar)7. Gunung Sari (Core / Main)8. Mount Indrakila (surrounded Munduk)9. Mount Twins (culminating two)10. Chess mountain (Mount foursome)11. Mount Batur (Mount Basic)Note the eruption of Mount BaturBased on the content of manuscripts King Puranan Ulun Danu Batur Batur in the Chronicle section Starch Sora described in Candra Sangkala:
Sasi Angeseng Wak the Saka year 110 (188 AD), Mount Batur erupted
Wang Sasi Wak the Saka year 111 (189 AD), Mount Batur erupted
Saka year 112 (190 AD), Gulf Mountain erupted Biyu
Wedang Sumiranting, ksiti the Saka year 114 (192 AD), Mount Batur erupted.
From the years 1804 - 2000 Mount Batur erupted 30 times. The most devastating eruption that on August 2 - 21 September 1926 at 23.00 pm the lava hoard Batur village and Ulun Danu Batur. With the help of the Dutch Government, the prisoners, as well as joint Batun Ida Betara (Bayung Gede, Sekardadi, Bonyoh, Selulung, Sribatu, Fruits, Kedisan, Abang, Trunyan, etc.) the whole village of Batur can save themselves. Including heirlooms like Gong Gede, Semar Kirang Pelinggih bale-mamas Mamas (spear Lerontek). Everything is saved to Bayung Gede village. After moving to The Villages Bayung Gede was once mayor Puja is held twice. Then, because it was already safe, Batur village residents were temporarily evacuated to the village of Gede Bayung want to return to their village site again. But was not allowed by the Dutch government with public safety reasons. In the new spot, called Kalanganyar, Batur village residents were given land by the provisions that have been married for as many as 3 acres and Widower / Widow gets 1.5 acres. During inhabit Kalanganyar, Batur village residents still trying membagun back Ulun Danu Batur in the first place. After a few years, precisely in April 1935, conducted for the first time Ngusaba Kedesa Ulun Danu Batur in the new [8].
In 1963, 6 months after the eruption of Mount Agung, the eruption of Mount Batur going back significantly. The death toll at the time was not there. The eruption is back hoards Batur village and Ulun Danu Batur. So that all residents evacuate and relocate the village to the site of the present village of Batur.There are interesting stories presented by Jero Gede Alitan Puri herd, when the lava going into the village of Batur, lava has stopped. This opportunity is used by residents to save their belongings. There was even a time to harvest onions in the field first. After all of these items and their crops survived, lava had stopped moving back toward the village to hoard the entire village.After moving the village, unless exposed to dust, until now not been directly affected by the eruption of Mount Batur.
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